It's just a podcast

Reality With a Twist

A bi-weekly podcast born out of the rust belt of America, brought to you by 5 idiots with microphones!

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Season 4 Episode 5 - Elephants Are Crazy!!! - Jun 28, 2024

In the first episode of a new mini-series on Reality With a Twist, Gabriel introduces _____ Are Crazy!!!, which is a quest to find the CRAZIEST thing an animal has ever done! In this episode... elephants!

Listen to our other Episodes

"I eat rust for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Stop the steal!"

- Average Hoosier, Apple Podcast

"Work it, Gabe! Can we have Gunnar with the computer voice back? I liked computer-Gunnar better..."

- Soundcloud Rapper, Soundcloud

"Reality With a Twist make the most boring topics even more boring. 10/10 great podcast, would listen again."

- A guy from Norway, Spotify